Sales conditions for purchases between businesses

1. The Agreement

The agreement consists of these terms and conditions of sale, information provided in the ordering solution and any separately agreed terms. In the event of any conflict between the information, what is separately agreed between the parties takes precedence, as long as it does not conflict with mandatory legislation.

The Purchase Act applies to purchases between traders and purchases between private individuals, but not where the buyer is a consumer and the seller is acting in business, as such consumer purchases are regulated in the Consumer Purchases Act. See Section 1 of the Purchase Act.

Unlike the Consumer Purchase Act, the Purchase Act's rules can be waived by agreement, see § 3, which is very often done in the business world. The Norwegian Purchase Act is based on the principle of freedom of agreement, and the Norwegian Purchase Act's rules must give way when something else is agreed between buyer and seller. There is thus an interaction between what is agreed and the law, and the rules for a purchase will be a combination of the agreement and supplementary rules in the Purchase Act.

2. The parties

The seller is Unikt Garn AS, Torgvegen 2A, 4350 Kleppe, Norway
Telephone: +47 92270455
Organization number: NO925 243 248,
and is hereinafter referred to as the seller/seller.

The buyer is the person who makes the order, and is referred to in the following as the buyer.

3. Price/VAT

The stated price for goods and services does not include VAT.

4. Conclusion of agreement

The agreement is binding for both parties when the buyer has sent his order to the seller.

The agreement is nevertheless not binding if there has been a typing or typing error in the offer from the seller in the ordering solution in the online store or in the buyer's order, and the other party realized, or should have realized, that there was such an error.

5. The payment

When the order has been completed, the buyer will receive order confirmation to their registered e-mail address. The seller can demand payment for the goods from the time they are sent from the seller to the buyer.

When paying by invoice, the invoice is issued to the buyer when the goods are dispatched. The payment deadline appears on the invoice and is a minimum of 14 days from receipt.

6. Delivery

Expected delivery time is 1 - 4 weeks after order, subject to longer delivery times in periods and/or when there is no stock in stock for undyed yarn. Delivery has taken place when the buyer, or his representative, has taken over the goods.

7. The risk of the goods

The risk for the goods passes to the buyer when he, or his representative, has had the goods delivered in accordance with point 6.

8. Right of withdrawal

The Right of Cancellation Act does not apply to purchases/agreements between businesses.

9. Delay and non-delivery - the buyer's rights and deadline for reporting claims

In the case of trade between businesses, Chapter 5 of the Norwegian Purchase Act applies if there is a breach of contract on the part of the seller, for example when there are delays and defects.

If the seller does not deliver the goods or delivers them late in accordance with the agreement between the parties, and this is not due to the buyer or conditions on the buyer's side, the buyer may, in accordance with the rules in Chapter 5 of the Purchases Act, withhold the purchase price, demand performance, terminate the agreement and /or demand compensation from the seller.

In the case of claims for default powers, the notification should be in writing (for example e-mail) for reasons of evidence.

10. Defects in the goods - the buyer's rights and deadline for complaints

If there is a defect in the goods (see Chapter 4 of the Purchase Act), the buyer must, within a reasonable time after it was discovered or should have been discovered, notify the seller that he wants to claim the defect. If the buyer does not make a complaint within two years after the day on which he took over the thing, he cannot later assert the defect. This does not apply if the seller, by way of a guarantee or other agreement, has assumed responsibility for defects for a longer period of time.

If the item has a defect and this is not due to the buyer or circumstances on the buyer's side, the buyer may, in accordance with the rules in Chapter 5 of the Purchases Act, withhold the purchase price, choose between rectification and redelivery, demand a price reduction, demand the contract terminated and/or demand compensation from the seller.

Complaints to the seller should be made in writing.

11. The seller's rights in the event of the buyer's default

If the buyer does not pay or fulfill the other obligations under the agreement or the law, and this is not due to the seller or conditions on the seller's side, the seller can, in accordance with the rules in the Sales Act, Chapter 3, depending on the circumstances, demand that the buyer pay the purchase price, receive delivery or fulfill his other obligations , unless the seller has asserted an authority that is incompatible with this requirement.

The seller will also be able, depending on the circumstances, to demand e.g. interest in case of late payment.

12. Warranty

A warranty given by the seller or manufacturer gives the buyer rights in addition to those the buyer already has under non-derogable legislation. A guarantee thus implies no restrictions on the buyer's right to complaint and claim in the event of delay or defects according to point 9.

13. Personal data

The controller for collected personal data is the seller. Unless the buyer agrees otherwise, the seller, in line with the Personal Data Act, can only obtain and store the personal data that is necessary for the seller to be able to carry out the obligations under the agreement. The buyer's personal data will only be disclosed to others if it is necessary for the seller to complete the agreement with the buyer, or in statutory cases.